Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss

Shall I let you in on a secret? Or maybe you already know this?

The diet industry wants you to fail… In fact the diet industry wants you to fail again and again and again… Because this is what makes it so damn profitable!

The industry is thriving because it is built off the back of repeated failure. It works only to keep you and everyone else returning again and again and again.

You might start a diet such as Atkins or Paleo or Volumetrics and lose some weight. You might feel pretty pleased by this loss, but it doesn’t take long for you to realise that a restrictive diet is incredibly hard and demoralising to maintain. So you stop and you regain all of the weight lost and potentially add a few more pounds.

What happens then is that you feel as though YOU failed. Not the diet, because that worked for a bit. No, you feel as though you failed. So what is the solution?

You do another diet.

And again, and again, and again.

If this is you and if you wish to now step off of this cycle of diet, loss, gain, diet, loss and gain then you have come to the right place!

The global weight loss and weight management market was valued at $224 billion USD in 2021 and is expected to surpass 405 billion USD by 2030? Do you think that it would be worth that if they actually helped people to lose weight and then keep that weight off for life? Not a chance.

How Does Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss work?

We are all fairly aware of why we are gaining weight - even if the diet industry likes to tell us that we are not! And most people struggling with their weight will come under one of the following banners:

  • Constant snackers

  • Processed food devourers

  • Stress and comfort eaters

  • Yo-Yo dieters

  • Living a sedentary lifestyle

What is the one thing that connects all of these? The subconscious mind.

Snacking all the time is done subconsciously, we don’t stop and think about it, we just do it.

“Hypnotherapy works by questioning and then breaking subconscious patterns and adding new blueprints for success. Hypnosis can help you to choose different foods, stop snacking and allow food to become a pleasure rather than a guilt trip.”

Processed food is salt and sugar rich and it is usually of a consistency that doesn’t require much chewing, it’s just so easy to devour that we subconsciously desire more and more.

Stress and comfort? Well our subconscious is merely seeking ways to make us feel better and food that is high in sugar or fat will do just that. We don’t actively start thinking, ‘ooh nice high fat food.. That’s just what I need to feel safe right now’, instead we just start eating.

YoYo dieting is shaped by the ‘I feel virtuous, I feel bad’ cycle and lastly, the sedentary life that we create for ourselves is rarely considered and chosen, it is just a pattern that we now repeat.

When we have so many unhelpful subconscious patterns that we follow they become very hard to break. You cannot really think your way out of them easily.

So, hypnotherapy works by questioning and then breaking those subconscious patterns and it then adds new blueprints for success. Hypnosis can help you to choose different foods, to stop snacking and appreciate looking forward to your meals again, so that food can become a pleasure as opposed to a guilt trip. Lastly hypnosis can enable you to begin to lead a more active life again and enjoy sports or fitness as a part of your regular lifestyle.

Why Don’t Most Diets Work?

Most diets are teaching you deprivation rather than health and nourishment. They are also encouraging fast weight loss.

This can be done by giving disordered behaviours such as skipping meals, regular weigh-ins, demonising certain foods while extolling the virtues of others and ensuring that your every waking moment is centred around food and the denial of it.

We human beings have evolved over a very long time to be able to survive periods of sporadic food availability. In fact human creativity, language and culture is filled full of our efforts relating to food sourcing and gathering. Spears, bows, arrows, fire, the wheel and animal and plant domestication.

Our strength and our mental abilities were always turned toward food and making life sustainable. Now, this desire and drive cannot be simply drained away. As a human mammal you will always be looking for food and you will always be aware of your need for food.

Clearly the issue now is that it isn’t very hard to find food. It’s everywhere! And it isn’t always very healthy.

If you do happen to fast or diet and lose weight your body isn’t stupid. It will not let you just continue to lose weight. If you did that as a caveperson you would be liable to get weak, sick or die.

So this is why many diets that you may have used in the past helped you to lose weight and then just stopped working. Your body is protecting you and it will respond to these periods of semi-starvation by lowering its metabolic rate.

Studies have also shown that levels of leptin, the ‘satiety hormone’, decrease, while levels of ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone’ increase. Even when you reach your desired weight and size and are no longer dieting, you may continue to experience increased hunger, which makes it harder for you to maintain your new weight.

You were built to survive and thrive, against all odds.

How Will We Work Together?

I have a 3 stage format when working with clients who wish to lose weight and gain a healthy appreciation of their body and their eating habits.


Reduce all tension and stress. Stress is a huge motivator for snacking and comfort eating. We also know that the more stressed and anxious we become the unhealthier we become and more susceptible to weight gain and illness.

These sessions also allow us to peel back the layers or potentially years of disordered eating. It creates the healthy ground that new and exciting changes can be built upon.


The intervention. This can be a stop to snacking or a change in lifestyle habits or to alter our feelings about food and the foods that we choose to eat. It is wholly individual to you and your needs and struggles. It is the change that will bring about a slow and steady weight loss.

In this stage I often speak about the fact that we are gaslighting the body by very, very slowly losing weight without alerting the mechanisms that will then cause retention and eventual regain.


The ego boost! This is where we spend time making you feel good about yourself again. It is all about improving confidence, self-appreciation, self-assurance, positiveness and belief in yourself.

The diet industry spends billions on making you feel rubbish. These sessions give you back your love of self and confidence about who you really are. I absolutely make sure that you are aware of your capabilities, likeability and give you belief in yourself again.

How Long Does Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss Take?

We will usually spend a couple of sessions on each stage so you should expect the course to last up to 6 sessions, it really depends upon your needs and requirements though.

Our meetings can take place either in my clinic in Wimbledon or Battersea or via the Zoom platform.

Treatment Prices

Initial appointment
90 minutes.

Subsequent appointments
Either 90 minutes or 55 minutes as required.

90-minute sessions are £110 and 55 minute sessions are £75 each.

Mark P Mattson. An Evolutionary Perspective on Why Food Overconsumption Impairs Cognition. Trends Cogn Sci. 2019 Mar; 23(3): 200–212.
An Evolutionary Perspective on Why Food Overconsumption Impairs Cognition - PMC.

Mohd. Razali Salleh. Life Event, Stress and Illness. Malays J Med Sci. 2008 Oct; 15(4): 9–18.

A. Janet Tomiyama. Stress And Obesity
Annual Review of Psychology Vol. 70:703-718 (Volume publication date January 2019)

Aaiza Tahreem et al. 2022. Fad Diets: Facts and Fiction. 
Front Nutr. 2022; 9: 960922.

Elfhag K & Rossner S. 2005. Who succeeds in maintaining weight loss? A conceptual review of factors associated with weight loss maintenance and weight regain. Obes Rev. 6: 67–85.