
Anxiety will affect most of us at some point in our lives.

You may right now be feeling overwhelmed, nervous or tense. You may have found yourself breathing rapidly with a pounding heart. You may be feeling panic or an overwhelming sense of doom. It might feel as though just one more small thing may break you.

Your gut may tighten as an email from your boss lands, your mouth may go dry at the thought of household chores or going to a shopping centre. Even the smallest daily bumps in the road may have you wanting to curl back up under your duvet.

You are trying to get through each day as best as you can but telling yourself to buck up, move forwards, get over it, just try harder and to put more effort in is having little to no effect.

I see you. I know that you’ve been struggling. And I am glad that you are here.

Did you know that according to the World Economic Forum, in 2019, ‘An estimated 275 million people suffer from anxiety disorders. That’s around 4% of the global population, with a spread of between 2.5% and 6.5% of population per country. Around 62% of those suffering from anxiety are female - 170 million, compared with 105 million male sufferers.’

A large study published in the Lancet in 2021 also clearly showed a further rise in anxiety disorders associated with the Covid global pandemic.

And we know that while anxiety disorders are fairly common across the world, not everyone who needs treatment receives it. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America only one third of people with an anxiety disorder get treatment.

We know that suffering with anxiety will affect those around us. We also know that children of anxious parents have a higher incidence of anxiety disorders themselves.

Anxiety is something that deserves our attention.

Hypnotherapy has been used to treat anxiety, fears and worries for many, many years and it has a substantial body of research evidence showing its clinical effectiveness in a wide range of settings.

Anxiety is a subconscious process - you do not ‘decide’ to feel anxious, this is happening on a deeper level of your mind thus it stands to reason that the work that needs doing should also take place at a deeper, unconscious level.

Everything that we do when working in sessions together will be aimed at reducing your levels of anxiety, improving your day to day moods and ensuring that you have the skills to move forwards with your life. Our sessions are a collaborative effort where we will tease apart the strands of what has been happening and get you back to a confident and happy state of being.

I offer one-to-one sessions from my clinics in Wimbledon or Clapham.

Get in touch to book your session.